Executive Summary#
The archival of high quality photographic documentation in a open standard is central to big data research, reduction in errors, data loss, staff and doctor burnout. This standard defines how to save orthodontic medical visible light images (aka photographs) making use of the most widely used standard for medical images: DICOM.
Instructions for providing your comments#
Open the ADA Connect site and go to the WG 11.6 space by clicking on this link. You might need to log into ADA Connect. Use your regular ADA Connect credentials to log in.
Search for whatever you are commenting about: if somebody already left a similar comment to what you were thinking about, add to the existing discussion.
If you don’t find a discussion that is relevant to what you want to comment, you need to create a new Discussion on the ADA Connect site in the WG11.6 space. Pick a subject for your comment and start the subject line with “DENT-OIP: “. This will make it easier for anyone to understand what this discussion is about, since all discussions go in the same folder.
If you have any problems, send an email to Toni Magni
Thank you!
How DENT-OIP is built#