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Clinical interoperability based on open standards.











Sharing Data Problem

The orthodontic providers need to share data

However, they do not know how to do in a safe and secure way, and frequently end up doing it like this:

Sharing data with iPhone
Sharing data with iPhone

What are the problems with this method?

Health Information Exchanges (HIE)

There are medical grade Health Information Exchange portals available today, which take care of this problem. However

  1. as of 2023, practitioners have not fully integrated HIEs in their daily workflow
  2. HIEs do require the involvement of a third party.

In principal, introducing a third party can provide more functionality, simplification, efficiency and security. However, HIEs cannot be the only solution to exchange clinical data because HIEs aren’t always there. The following situations are examples of when the practitioner might not be willing to use an HIE:

The practitioner needs to be able to export whatever clinical information they need and send them to whoever they need to send it to in a way that can be easily exported from the senders side and reliably and losslessly ingested into the receiver’s system, such that no information is lost in the process and that it can be properly interpreted by the receiver as intended by the sender.

Ultimately, whether inside an HIE or not, the practitioner is responsible for making sure that the transfer happens securely. When not using the HIE, the practitioner will have to take care of security measures, export and transfer and import on their own. For this reason, clinicians need to be better trained on basic clinical data management while still in school.