Orthodontic Informatics

Data, Imaging, and Standards in Orthodontic Practice

Module 2
Overcoming Challenges in Orthodontic Software Interoperability

toni magni, BME - afm@case.edu


  1. Review
  2. Behind the Computer Screen
  3. Informatics Standards
  4. Implemention Hurdles


  • Why am I teaching you this?
  • The Problems: ShaCoTranRePaWa
    1. Sharing
    2. Connecting
    3. Transitioning
    4. Researching
    5. Patient Communication
    6. Wasting Resources

Clinical Informatics Actors

Requesting the Images

Acquiring the Images

Clinical Informatics Workflow

The Basics: The Database

  • Is just a fancy spreadsheet
  • Has tables, rows and columns.
  • Each cell is allowed only specific kinds of data
  • Can handle lots of data fast
  • Can handle multiple queries at the same time

The Basics: The Storage

  • It can be in a folder in a server somewhere.
  • More copies of the same live data
  • Backup copies: three copies of the data in 3 different formats.

The Basics: The Interfaces

  • Frontend. GUI: The Graphical User Interface
  • Backend. API: Adanced Programming Interface

Clinical Network
